We were coming up on a round-about intersection, making a right turn (as it later tourned out). Sitting on the left-hand side of the bus by the window I was observing traffic. On the highway perpendicular to our direction, there was a motorcycle coming; it seemed slightly ahead of our bus. As every driver would/should do, I subconsciously claculated the current and future positions of the bus and the motorcycle, and the result projected a contact between the two if current speeds of both remaind unchanged. To my surprise, neither one altered their speeds, and having the bike enter the round-about first, the bus kept charging at the same "intersection-devastating" speed. With growing (in the matter of seconds) concern, which soon tourned into horror, I watched as the motorcycle disappeared under the bus right under the window ..and then magically, or miracolusly I should say, reemarged withy a shaky path, driving a bit like a drunk after (what must have been a bump) the contact with the bus. They both slowed down, the bus driver must have gotten concered, looked at each other, the motorcyclist had an interesting look on his face but never stopped ..so, we continued on as well. What an experience!!
Other than that, I wached as the scenery was changing by the hour as we continued south from Cuzco to Puno, a major town on th western/Peruvian shores of Lake Titicaca. It went from foresty green hills of Cuzco region to more and more ruggedy and inhabitable, it would seem, mountaneous scenery, eventually becoming a grassy steppe ..then, the night came and I couldn't see anyhing anymore, but clearly the desert was taking over the landcape.
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