Well, many things have happened since my arrival in Europe on the 21st of June, and my plans regarding the trip have chnaged a bit as well. Right now I will not write in detail about everything that I've been doing and that has happened in the past 3 months, but I'll give you a brief prelude of entries to come (to be read below this one, as they will be posted) and explain my current situation.
At the end of June I arrived in Poland to visit my extended family and friends, and to become a godfather of my cousin Maja's second child, Alexander. I satyed in Poland about three weeks and then took of into western Europe to meet up with Malte and others. The destination turned out to be Italy. We've spend a whole week in Rome, site-seeing and partying to the MAX!! And then, split up with Malte to meet up yet again in Vienna. In the mean time, Kasia, Dyane and I went to Palermo to discover the Sicilian charm. After reconnecting with Malte and spending only few hours in Vienna, we set off to Budapest to get to know another famed Europaen city. After 3 days in this Central European jewel it was time to part ways again. I went to Bucharest in Romania to visit one of my best friends (Pawi), Kasia and Dyane went to Poland, whom I joined later, and Malte took off to Germany.
Back in Poland. We've promised Dyane to show her our home country, and we did our best doing it in only a week's time. With Kasia she was able to see Cracow and Aushwitz, and then I joined them in Warsaw. I think she liked it, like the Polish beer ..claiming not to be a beer-drinker before;)) After Dyane left, at the beginning of August, I've managed to spend about 10 days by the Baltic Sea in the Chalupy beach resort, where partying never stops (during summer of course:)) and where I tried wind surfing, another awesome water sport! The rest of August went by in central Poland around Warsaw, my home town.
And now to explain my situation and changes in my travel plans.. I've chosen to stay in Poland until the end of the year and do an intenship to get some kind of professional experience in something related to International Relations or Commerce. How does it affect my world travels? In that, I've decided to abandon exploring Africa, which I'd have to do alone, and then restart my trip at the beginning of January '09 in Australia, and continue with it as planned. There will yet be a time to go to Africa, so I only went to Egypt for an all inclusive 6-day "vacation" with guided tours of Cairo, Giza, Luxor, and The Valley of The Kings, and scuba diving in the crystal clear water near an awesome reef full of colorful fish.
So, as of Monday, September 29 I'm starting an internship in the American Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw..
..that's it for this entry, but as promised, a lot more will come promptly
Hej Mateusz!
Fajnie, ze napisales!! Myslalam, ze moze postanowiles pozostac w Afryce...a tu widze ze w Warszawie! ;)
Mieszkam juz w Brukseli, niebawem wybieram sie do PL...wiec trzeba bedzie sie spotkac, moze wyskoczyc na narty? Oczywiscie, zapraszam do Brukseli!
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